The Personal Touch

We will always spend time with you to understand your needs and discover the best way in which we can help you. If a bereavement is expected, you may have concerns about what you will need to do to make arrangements; and in some situations, your loved one may wish to have some involvement in their own funeral arrangements. It is never too early to contact us; not only can we provide the advice you need on what to do when the time comes, we can work with you to develop some early direction on how you would like to proceed.

You are welcome to come and meet with us in our welcoming residence where we have a comfortable living room in which we can discuss your wishes. There is ample private parking available. We are also more than happy to come and meet you in the privacy of your own home if you prefer. We are also happy to meet you in a neutral venue.

The Location

Whether you are considering a church service or a service at the crematorium, we work with all local crematoriums and churches in the area and will make arrangements for the service subject to their availability. If you would like a service at home, that can also be arranged. We can also make arrangements for funerals at the Woodland Burial Grounds and indeed many different venues according to your wishes. We are totally flexible and open for suggestions. Whether you want a Traditional Style Funeral or something more contemporary, the team at Daniels and Turner are here to help you.

The Service & Minister

These days, there are many different types of service, from the religious, held by an ordained minister, the semi-religious and non-religious held by lay ministers and celebrants. We work with many professionals in the area and when we have established with you what type of service you would prefer; we are able then to recommend the most appropriate person to hold your service. Whoever it may be, they will meet with you to learn all about you as a family, about the loved one you have lost and to discuss what you would like from the service itself. We also have a female celebrant available if you prefer this.

The Newspaper Announcement

Traditionally, newspaper announcements have been made to communicate news of a death and this is something that we can do for you. Working with you, we will agree the right tribute to your loved one and place the notice for you. These days, there are other ways in which we can announce a death and we would be happy to discuss these with you.

The Music

Music can be an important part of a funeral service, whether you choose to have an organist or prefer something more contemporary, we can arrange your choice of music to be played at the service through the music system or if you wish we can arrange for live bands to perform, singers and any other musical tribute that you wish to have. We can also advise you on the best options as part of our planning process.

Our Fleet

We have a fleet of vehicles available to you, traditional and modern options are available which include a horse drawn hearse, a motorcycle side-car, Lorry, Camper Van, Gun Carriage and even a tank.  We will endeavour to meet your personal choice dependent on availability of the more unusual vehicles.

Our main fleet is a modern Jaguar hearse and matching limousines in solid black. 

The Orders of Service

For services of any kind, we will provide bespoke service sheets to be handed out to those in attendance. We work with you, and the minister or celebrant to choose a suitable design and wording to guide guests through the service and by the inclusion of photos of your loved one, the Order of Services then becomes something of a keepsake. We can also arrange for other funeral stationary to be designed and only use local printers for these.

The Charitable Donations

If you choose to have Charitable Donations rather than flowers, we will manage donations on your behalf through a dedicated memorial page for your loved one. The page will enable donations online direct to your chosen charity.  It is also possible to leave donations with us and we will pass these onto the nominated charity after the funeral has taken place and we will let you know in writing how much has been raised.

 A Memorial Page

We feel that it is important for others to have the chance to share memories, photographs and thoughts of those who have passed away. We can therefore create a dedicated memorial page where these memories are shared and it is also possible to light virtual candles, add favourite music and create a memorial of memories for future generations. We offer this service free of charge and you will have control of the page once the funeral has taken place.

Funerals for All

We are happy to work with families from all backgrounds to ensure that their funerals are carried out with greatest of dignity and respect. Whatever the faith or requirements we will ensure that you receive the best care and support all of the time.

Ex-Service Funerals

We are pleased to have teamed up with the Veterans Bereavement Support Services who specialise in supporting families of those who have served and indeed, currently serve in the Armed Forces and Merchant Navy. We are able to organise ceremonial style funerals for Veterans across the area and will ensure that the veteran is given a fitting funeral. Please ask for details of our Veterans Packages